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Types of Residential Elevators

Geared and Gearless Traction Elevator

Traction elevators are the most common type of elevator. They can be geared or gearless and both model types are driven by alternating current (AC) or direct current (DC) electrical motors. In geared elevators, there is a gearbox attached to the motor that drives the wheel and moves the ropes.

About Traction Elevators

Hydraulic Elevators

Hydraulic elevators are supported by a piston at the bottom of the elevator that pushes the elevator up as an electric motor forces oil or another hydraulic fluid into the piston.  The elevator descends as a valve releases the fluid from the piston.

About Hydraulic elevators

obx mrl elevator

Machine-Room-Less (MRL) Elevators

Machine-Room-Less Elevators are traction elevators that do not have a dedicated machine room above the elevator shaft.  The machine sits in the override space and is accessed from the top of the elevator cab when maintenance or repairs are required. The control boxes are located in a control room that is adjacent to the elevator shaft on the highest landing and within around 150 feet of the machine.

About MRL Elevators

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